09. Pituitary gland - Epiphysis
- Details
- Category: 2- Anatomy
- Published on 11 January 2014
- Written by Ben Brahim Mohammed
- Hits: 17364
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1. The pituitary gland [ 81 , 82 , 83 ]:
The pituitary gland (pituitary gland) is an endocrine gland is housed in a bony cavity (sella [ 84 ]) and connected to the hypothalamus up by the pituitary stalk [ 64 ]. It is small in size but plays an extremely important role in the body for the amount of hormones it produces.
There are two parts of the pituitary gland that are also different embryonic origins, previous part: anterior pituitary or adenohypophysis, and another post: The posterior pituitary or neuro-hypophysis.
1.1. The anterior pituitary [ 42 ]:
The secret adenohypophysis: Growth hormone (GH), prolactin, follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), luteinizing hormone (LH), adrenocorticotropic hormone-(ACTH), thyroid stimulating hormone ( TSH) and MSH (MSH).
1.2. The posterior pituitary [ 42 ]:
Neuro-hypophysis is not made specific glandular cells. It includes the nerve terminals of neurons from the hypothalamus which will discharge of oxytocin and vasopressin (ADH or antidiuretic hormone) in the blood directly through a phenomenon of neurosecretion.
2. The epiphysis [ 4 , 40 , 42 ]:
Also known pineal gland is an endocrine gland located behind the third ventricle, it secretes melatonin, which plays a crucial role in the regulation of diurnal cycle, the internal clock of the biological body.
Descartes considered this gland as the medium of the mind [ 39 ].